




From Now On



這次以後 我學會多加珍惜

From now on, I learn to cherish

不經一事 總不長一智 終究要珍惜

If never experienced we will never learn, ultimately, we need to cherish

人生經常這樣  事後才再提

Life is often this way, we always comment after the fact

總在這次以後 才積極

always try to work hard after the consequence


能不能 凡事多加把握 懂得珍惜

Can we grab hold of everything in life?

生命經典故事 就在相惜

The classic story of life is to cherish

喧囂霓虹裡 都是好課題

Everything in this hustle and bustle world is a good lesson

成長軌跡裡 學會拿起

Learn to be responsible in the life journey

滴答間 了悟的流下淚滴

Suddenly I realize and shed tears

這次以後 不再兒戲

From now on, no more kidding around


能不能 凡事多加把握 懂得珍惜

Can we grab hold of everything in life?

生命經典故事 就在相惜

The classic story of life is to cherish

喧囂霓虹裡 都是好課題

Everything in this hustle and bustle world is a good lesson

成長軌跡裡 學會拿起

Learn to be responsible in the life journey

滴答間 了悟的流下淚滴

Suddenly I realize and shed tears

這次以後 不再兒戲

From now on, no more kidding around


能不能 凡事多加把握 懂得珍惜

Can we grab hold of everything in life?

生命經典故事 就在相惜

The classic story of life is to cherish

喧囂霓虹裡 都是好課題

Everything in this hustle and bustle world is a good lesson

成長軌跡裡 學會拿起

Learn to be responsible in the life journey

滴答間 了悟的流下淚滴

Suddenly I realize and shed tears

把握這次  啊~

Seize this time


人世間 分秒都是主題 值得留意

In this world, every second is a life lesson, so pay attention

懂得尊重因緣 幸福可祈

Learn to respect the affinity, happiness becomes possible

當下顯功夫 轉瞬皆是戲

Cultivate now in the drama of life

生命富或貴 就在自己

Whether we have abundance or prosperity in life, is up to us

要記得 生命頁頁是好戲

Keep in mind that every episode in life is a good one

從今以後 不再兒戲

From this day on, no more kidding around