


By Jenna Cogan




Because of the Sun



因為有太陽 放光芒

Because of the Sun, life is bright and shining

大地喜洋洋 世界不一樣

The world is happy, everything is lively

因為有太陽 我學會堅強

Because of the Sun, I become stronger

因為有太陽 我開創方向

Because of the Sun, I find my direction

因為有太陽 我不再徬徨

Because of the Sun, I have clarity

因為有太陽 我不再迷惘

Because of the Sun, I regain my peace

因為有太陽 我送走悲傷

Because of the Sun, I let go my pain


Because of the Sun, I rise and shine


因為有太陽 我們擁有著那人世間一切的富足與希望

Because of the Sun, we have abundance and hope in life


To fulfill the hopes and dreams that we once had

這分關愛 讓我們倍加感動

This love touches us deeply

曾幾何時 大夥兒已與太陽無處不在

Ever since then, the Sun is with us everywhere

相互共振地全新體驗 佳話萬千

This resonance is a brand new experience which creates amazing life stories

我們真的好幸運好幸運 也好幸福好幸福

We are extremely lucky     extremely lucky

就因為那因為有太陽 生命從此放光芒

Because of the Sun           life becomes glorious

期待著你我時時投入 秒秒感受

Hope all of us can resonate and enjoy this feeling every moment

讓這分佳音遍傳世界 讓更多人同享其中

Lets spread love to the world      to allow more people to benefit

因為那因為有太陽 生命圓滿大吉祥

Because of the Sun            life becomes prosperous

因為有太陽 我努力成長

Because of the Sun, I accelerate

因為有太陽 我擁有希望

Because of the Sun, future’s in my hands

因為有太陽 我感動激昂

Because of the Sun, I’m motivated

因為有太陽 我幸福吉祥

Because of the Sun, I’m amazed

生命有太陽 天地任徜徉

Life with the Sun, I feel free

身體有太陽 萬壽似天長

Sun within me, life is eternity

心中有太陽 圓滿諸願望

Sun in my heart, my wishes come true

靈魂有太陽 世世光堂堂

Sun in my soul, I rise and shine

太陽賜千祥 用心開懷唱

Blessings from the Sun, I sing with my heart

因為有太陽 生命放光芒

Because of the Sun, life is so completed

感恩著太陽 深愛著太陽

Grateful to the Sun, my love to the Sun

因為有太陽 世界大吉祥

Because of the Sun, love and harmony