






Stand by Love Forever

作詞: 太陽盛德導師
作曲: 太陽盛德導師

一生的守候 因為你

I am standing by because of you

一生為愛守候 我願意

I am willing because of love

彼此相依 真心相惜

We cherish and support one another

今生來世 足矣

Past and present with you, I have no regrets

因為愛 守候傳奇

I stand by this legendary story because of love

從今 值得珍惜

From today on, I truly cherish this love

用至愛的心 守候著你

Stand by you with my greatest love

但願你也會 心相契

Hope you will feel the same way too

一生的守候 因為你

I am standing by because of you

一生為愛守候 我願意

I am willing because of love

彼此相依 真心相惜

We cherish and support one another

今生來世 足矣

Past and present with you, I have no regrets

因為愛 守候傳奇

I stand by this legendary story because of love

從今 值得珍惜

From today on, I truly cherish this love

用至愛的心 守候著你

Stand by you with my greatest love

但願你也會 心相契

Hope you will feel the same way too

這旋律 感動心底

This melody touches my heart deeply

不禁 惦記著你

Can’t help thinking about you

一生的守候 因為有你

Stand by you in this lifetime

現在和以後 我願意

Now and forever, I am willing

歲月 伴隨著彩衣

Going through wonderful times together

為愛 守候你

I stand by you because of love

真情 如遊天際

Let true love race through the sky

心意 早已合一

Let our hearts be one

讓我 好好看著你

Let me take a good look at you

因為愛 幸福升起

Happiness arises because of love

天地 見證我心諦

Heaven & Earth to witness my heart

這一生 因為愛 守候你

Stand by you this lifetime because of love

這一生 因為愛 守侯你

Stand by you this lifetime because of love