
〈點亮將相〉 太陽盛德導師演唱版

〈點亮將相〉 佳潔演唱版




illuminate the General

Lyrics: Master Ted Sun/ Angel Huang
Composer: Master Ted Sun


願娑婆世界吉祥  盼三千十方無災恙

Wish the saha land propitious, hope the whole Universe free from disasters


As long as you and I are willing, things will be different

值得細細思量 誓成為將相

Consider pledging to become a General

浩蕩三綱五常 圓滿冥陽

Be someone who aligns with the Universe’s guidelines and achieves perfection in both heaven and Earth


來成真夢想  迎著光一步步走四方

Turn dreams into reality and follow the light to create a bright future

夜未央迎頭趕上 跟著太陽去闖

Catch up to the front before dawn to follow the Sun

來圓滿盼望  迎著風一天天更堅強

Heading towards the wind to complete my dreams, I get stronger each day 

夜太涼燃燒信仰 點亮生命寶藏

In the crisp cold night, my beliefs light up my heart and brighten up the treasures of my life


一聲聲鐘響 一次次的啟航

Many alarm clocks sound off, many departures


Many tireless efforts leave behind establishments for the generations to come

展開新生翅膀 百花也綻放

Spread my wings, flowers are blossoming

開展大道康莊 點亮將相作棟樑

Unfold the open road, illuminate the Generals as we are the pillar of the world


願娑婆世界吉祥  盼三千十方無災恙

Wish the saha land propitious, hope the whole Universe free from disasters


As long as you and I are willing, things will be different

值得細細思量 誓成為將相

Consider pledging to become a General

浩蕩三綱五常  提名金榜

Be someone who aligns with the Universe’s guidelines and makes it to the very top


來成真夢想  迎著光一步步走四方

Turn dreams into reality and follow the light to create a bright future

夜未央迎頭趕上 跟著太陽去闖

Catch up to the front before dawn to follow the Sun

來圓滿夢想  迎著風一天天更堅強

Heading towards the wind to complete my dreams, I get stronger each day 

夜太涼燃燒信仰 點亮生命寶藏

In the crisp cold night, my beliefs light up my heart and brighten up the treasures of my life


一聲聲鐘響 一次次的啟航

Many alarm clocks sound off, many departures


Many tireless efforts to leave behind establishments for the generations to come

展開新生翅膀 百花也綻放

Spread my wings, flowers are blossoming

開展大道康莊 點亮將相作棟樑 作棟樑

Unfold the open road, illuminate the Generals as we are the pillar of the world, 
the pillar of the world

點亮將相 將相點亮

illuminate the General, illuminate the General