
〈思念〉 太陽盛德導師演唱版






Miss you

Lyrics: Master Ted Sun
Composer: Master Ted Sun


天地柔情喚起對你 思念

The love of the Universe reminds me of how much I miss you

但願一切都好 方方面面

Hope everything is well

畫面歷歷就好像剛剛 以前

All of the memories, feel as if they were yesterday

遙寄一切來時路 對你思念

Gratitude to the good old times and I miss you so


Thank you for giving me your love and kindness

盼你在身邊 很想

Miss having you around

總會想起精彩現 好思念

Miss you for the wonderful times together

心靈深處總是甜 好想再見

You brought sweetness to my soul, I wish to see you again

一切都是真情牽 惦歲歲年年

Love creates affinity, I miss you year after year

對你的思念 將不會改變

The nostalgia of missing you never changes 


Wish to see you again

天地柔情喚起對你 思念

The love of the Universe reminds me of how much I miss you

但願一切都好 方方面面

Hope everything is well

畫面歷歷就好像剛剛 以前

All of the memories, feel as if they were yesterday

遙寄一切來時路 對你思念

Gratitude to the good old times and I miss you so


Thank you for giving me your love and kindness

盼你在身邊 很想

Miss having you around

總會想起精彩現 好思念

Miss you for the wonderful times together

心靈深處總是甜 好想再見

You brought sweetness to my soul, I wish to see you again

一切都是真情牽 惦歲歲年年

Love creates affinity, I miss you year after year

對你的思念 將不會改變

The nostalgia of missing you never changes 


Wish to see you again


Thank you for giving me your love and kindness

盼你在身邊 很想

Miss having you around

總會想起精彩現 好思念

Miss you for the wonderful times together

心靈深處總是甜 好想再見

You brought sweetness to my soul, I wish to see you again

一切都是真情牽 惦歲歲年年

Love creates affinity, I miss you year after year

對你的思念 將不會改變

The nostalgia of missing you never changes 


I really miss you


Miss you


Hope to see you again soon