





What are you looking for in life

作詞: 太陽盛德導師
作曲: 太陽盛德導師

這一生 有什麼 值得好好追求

What is worth pursuing in this life?

晃一眼 人世間 有什麼能久留

Take a look, what is ever lasting?

瞬息變間 滄海桑田 知曉否

Do you know changes happen in the blink of an eye?

揮灑汗水依舊 故一生何求

Do you know changes happen in the blink of an eye?

輾轉才看透 人生攢德厚

After floundering around in life and finally realizing, accumulation of merits

遍嚐千山萬水 才能好去留

You will have a good life everywhere you are

世間情 瀟灑復何求

In life, What more can you ask for?


Carelessness leads to losing direction

這一生 有什麼 值得好好追求

What is worth pursuing in this life?

晃一眼 人世間 有什麼能久留

Take a look, what is ever lasting?

瞬息變間 滄海桑田 知曉否

Do you know changes happen in the blink of an eye?

揮灑汗水依舊 故一生何求

Do you know changes happen in the blink of an eye?

輾轉才看透 人生攢德厚

After floundering around in life and finally realizing, accumulation of merits

遍嚐千山萬水 才能好去留

You will have a good life everywhere you are

世間情 瀟灑復何求

In life, What more can you ask for?


Carelessness leads to losing direction

南柯一夢 今生有多久

Life is like a dream, how long can it be?

何苦戀求 有無何怨尤

Why so attached to winning and losing?

養心成德潤壽 了悟成性多謀

Cultivating your mind and virtue bring good health, realizing life brings wisdom

善以為寶 再添諸多珍貴成就

Kindness is a treasure and many precious achievements

一生何求 已就

Everything you are looking for are all accounted for

南柯一夢 今生有多久

Life is like a dream, how long can it be?

何苦戀求 有無何怨尤

Why so attached to winning and losing?

養心成德潤壽 了悟成性多謀

Cultivating your mind and virtue bring good health, realizing life brings wisdom

善以為寶 再添諸多珍貴成就

Kindness is a treasure and many precious achievements

一生何求 已就 

Everything you are looking for are all accounted for

南柯一夢 今生有多久

Life is like a dream, how long can it be?

何苦戀求 有無何怨尤

Why so attached to winning and losing?

養心成德潤壽 了悟成性多謀

Cultivating your mind and virtue bring good health, realizing life brings wisdom

善以為寶 再添諸多珍貴成就

Kindness is a treasure and many precious achievements

一生何求 已就 已就

Everything you are looking for are all accounted for