

定價: NT$600 / 優惠價: NT$480

◎Author                       (作者):TED SUN
◎Sizes                           (開本):G16K(14.8x21cm)
◎Monochrome   (單色印刷)
◎Bind                            (裝訂):Paperback
◎ISBN                   (國際書號):9789869311762
◎Original Price            (定價):NT600 / USD20 / CAD24.5
◎Languages                  (語言):English
◎Pulishing Date       (出版日):2015 Feb.
◎Pulishing House    (出版社):Richest Life
◎Category                     (分類) :Psyche

貨號: SB60001 分類:


Regardless of your reason for choosing this book, the minute you open it , you will feel a special blessing and kinship. As long as you appreciate this special connection and follow the plans it has for you, all of your challenges in life will be resolved and the cloud that you feel is hovering above you will dissipate and sunlight will shine through! If you are willing, your future will be bright and positive. This opportunity is not a coincidence of you purchasing the book, it is the power of destiny. There are many opportunities in life to transform and transcend yourself to be successful, and the key to success in life depends on your ability to seize the opportunities in front of you, because every decision you make can affect the course of your life. Successful people, all have capitalized on this opportunity, worked diligently, and eventually reaped the benefits of their hard work. Perhaps, no one has ever told you this before but you can also achieve such success. Let the past be the past and if you eize this opportunity, it will significantly benefit you in this life and beyond. Although you and I have never met before my enthusiasm in your decision to read this book is genuine. If you can absorb the words in this book with your heart, you will feel a sense of wonder and awe. I sincerely hope that your life miracles will start to happen because of this book and you can enjoy the successes of your life. With these successes, you will play a role in creating solutions for the challenges of future generations. The various techniques for achieving success mentioned in this book are not affiliated with any religion and anyone can practice these techniques without any contradiction. These universal truths are absolute, and everyone is equal in the Universe. Therefore, everyone has the right to all of the advancements brought forth by the words in this book. Just like if you need sunlight everyday, you have the right to enjoy the energy from the sun. I have blessed every single copy of this book with energy from the Universe and I have shared numerous visualization techniques in this book. It is my wish that through these simple words, you will accept the wisdom from the Universe and receive its benefits without any limitations. Please do not judge the content of this book from a religious perspective because the Universe is profound and not bound by any religious beliefs! Those who are not religious can immediately enjoy the gift within this book and those who are religious can incorporate these techniques with their regular practice and beliefs, so together with sincerity and diligence, one can achieve their goals effortlessly. In the name of love from the Universe, it is my wish to help everyone live a better life and have a brighter future and I hope you will appreciate this book from the bottom of your heart and appreciate everything you have in life.

Author──Ted Sun

At the age of fourteen, Ted Sun signed up for a Christian correspondence course and read a book titled “Streams in the Desert”. As a result of the teachings of that book, he decided to become a devout Christian. The correspondence course continued for two years, and Ted Sun demanded himself to be the most diligent student, and to research all the Christian theories thoroughly. Ever since then, the experience has created a sacred bond between his life and religion. The summer Ted Sun turned seventeen he learned and gained knowledge of other religions. Thereafter, he seized every possible chance and time to explore, study, and research the profound meanings behind each religion. During his baptism, he felt the connections to his innate potentials and abilities, and he even felt a bit of pride knowing that he had supernatural power. However, he never felt complacent; he continuously questioned the truth and sought answers to every puzzle. After he studied hundreds of books, concepts, and theories, he realized that the doctrine in each religion is great and inspiring. It was then he felt he had a very important responsibility, and he had to use the power of love instructed from the religions to help those who are in need. At the age of eighteen Ted Sun started to write his own opinion and  reflections about the different religions he had studied and the experiences he had been through. He then sent the articles to major religious magazines to be published. He submitted roughly twelve to fifteen articles per week. Ted Sun never felt pressured to write and he never felt that the time and effort he spent writing were a waste.His only motivation for writing was the hope that those reading his articles would appreciate the love provided by the different religions, and it would have a positive effect on their lives. He could tell from his readers’ feedback that most of them thought he was an elderly man preaching about his own beliefs and experiences that had occurred during his lifetime. Their responses only encouraged him to create more inspiring articles, and to share his knowledge with the public. Finally, after spending so much effort writing, Ted Sun published his first book at age twenty-one. He had become familiar with many different religions, but unfortunately, he became too busy to continue his writing career. During the past decades, he volunteered and helped numerous groups with several events by doing broadcasting and giving speeches, hosting donation parties, and more. Ted Sun’s life became more spectacular and sophisticated as a result of these experiences.However, after all these years there were still some puzzles deep in his heart that he could not find the answers to, not even from text, concepts, or theories. Now, he truly believes that there is a clear explanation for those puzzles; it is simply that he did not have the right opportunity to discover the solutions. In March 2005, he met a man who significantly influenced his religious beliefs. Ted Sun learned theories and scientific concepts he had never heard in the past. He gained answers from a lot of the questions he could not have had before. He clarified many of the puzzles he had on his mind for a long time. This new knowledge made him feel emanated, changing his perspective on many matters. He no longer sees the world simply through the boundaries of religion. His knowledge assured him that he was not an ordinary human being. Through the encounter with this gentleman and the knowledge Ted Sun had gained, he transcended the limitations and boundaries of religions, he looked beyond the things he learned in the past, and combined his experiences with the new insights he had gained. He was so grateful and believed that there was a lot more to be learned in this life time. Ted Sun realized if he were to ever become successful, he should spread love to those in need. The Universe has always been talking about love, so he wishes to share this love to those who are skeptical and in need of the truth, so they may easily benefit. At the very least, allow their body, mind, spirit, and other successes to become plentiful so more people can actually feel this love, and more love can be spread to all areas of the world, eventually reaching the entire global population. In 2005, due to a coincidental encounter with an enlightened soul, Ted Sun learned many of the Cosmic principles that helped him obtain to another level of spiritual awakening. Ted Sun, then felt this is his mission to spread the Cosmic principles globally to the deserving individuals. In 2010, at the end of August, Ted Sun had the inspiration to write a book to spread this message to everyone and give everyone access to this information. These cosmic principles resemble a secret codes that can be quickly and easily obtained and can help people, their friends, and families. Ted Sun believed this will make our world more harmonious and will allow us to progress to the next generation so people can prepare themselves to welcome a brighter future. By the middle of September, Ted Sun had completed and published his book, “Super Life Secret Codes “. It was Ted Sun’s wish to tell the readers that Love and Gratitude are the two most important life codes in the Universe. According to  Ted Sun, this conclusion came from messages from the Universe. Love and Gratitude are major factors that determine a person’s success. Instead of using complicated methods in life to solve problems, using the codes, people will be able to transform an improbable problem into a possible solution. “Super Life Secret Codes “teaches the readers how to use the two codes to make a connection to the Universe, that will then increase our wisdom and valuable experiences. When we apply the Cosmic principles, we will easily see great results in our daily lives and elevate our spirituality. Ted Sun has also recently published a book that is based on the testimonials from thousands of readers who have successfully applied his concept. The principles of the Secret Life Codes are a very scientific way that we can experiment to bring immediate and obvious results. This is why in a very short period, many people have already experienced great success. Today, people are facing challenges in all areas of their lives like family, relationship, finance, and health. When they can observe the principles of the Secret Life Codes and practice and cultivate diligently, they will see improvement and therefore our problems will be solved. They will not only be able to help themselves to transcend their problems, but also to help others and society to elevate spiritually. Our mission is to practice a simple method, so we are able to help the whole world. Everyone is able to improve their lives by using this simple tool. We can begin to work in harmony to bring community closer and cooperate better in all areas of life. It is not just a slogan of “Love and Gratitude”. We want it to become a daily practice incorporated in all areas of our lives. We hope that we will unite together and passionately promote this principle in our daily practice. We envision a better and brighter future filled with Love and Gratitude, unity and harmony in our family, community, and throughout the world.